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Give your employees the gift of feeling more energized, feeling good about themselves, their health, their overall lifestyle and the way they show up each day by providing the right tools to manage burn out, overwhelming stress, exhaustion, low motivation so they can start engaging in everyday tasks more, showing up with more energy, concentrating better, seeing your company as the best place to be and much more!

Give your employees the gift of knowing how to use their breath the one tool we all have, carry around all day long and can use anytime and anywhere we want to benefit ourselves and therefore everything and everyone around us.

Whether you're a small business, growing organization or corporate company you can certainly  benefit from engaging with your employees more by finding out what their needs are and how you can help them ease what has been on their mind so they can leave their worries behind and concentrate on productivity ,being present in the moment, more focused, fully engaged with their team and create healthy working environment.


What I can provide for your company are a variety of fun, practical and educational breath, self-care, well being, health related workshops.


* live online workshops

* in person workshops 

* guided group hikes 

* guided cold exposure hikes and dips

* retreats


Let’s Breathe Together

Get in touch so we can start making changes today.

Thanks for submitting!

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